Call cab


Legal information

Company wording

Ana-Gabriela Erimescu

Object of the company

Transport industry with passenger cars, specialist group

Contact details

Kreuzstraße 17
5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43 676 5520886

Memberships with the Chamber of Commerce organization


Applicable legislation and access

Trade regulations:

Supervisory authority/trade authority

Municipality of the City of Salzburg

Awarding country


Information on online dispute resolution

Consumers have the option of submitting complaints to the EU’s online dispute resolution platform:
You can also send any complaints to the email address given above.

Data protection

Your personal data will of course be treated confidentially and will not be passed on to third parties.
Ana-Gabriela Erimescu would like to emphasize its commitment to protecting the privacy and personal rights of the individual with this data protection declaration.


Design & Programming

This website was created by, an expert for your successful online presence. The conception, production and online marketing are geared towards a joint strategy aimed at success: Website, marketing and monitoring work hand in hand to convert site visitors into guests/customers. The website offers three essential elements: Information, emotions and clear calls to action. In combination with a user-friendly web design that complies with the Google Webmaster Guidelines, the website forms the ideal basis for effective online marketing and search engine optimization.

Picture credits

The images, photos and graphics on this website are protected by copyright.

  • Shutterstock

All texts are protected by copyright.